Fit Food Plus

Low sugar, low carbs, high protein, and high fiber

Subscriptions (Auto-Renewal)

Similar to Keto, this is low in carbs and high in fiber but not as high in fat. Instead, it gets a balance of the energy from Fat and Protein. This is our recommended meal plan for serious individuals who want to maximize weight loss and at the same time control other issues like blood sugar without having to significantly increase fat.

Package Duration Price
Plan 1200 1 Week ₱565 per day
Plan 1200 4 Weeks ₱515 per day
Plan 1500 1 Week ₱625 per day
Plan 1500 4 Weeks ₱575 per day
Plan 1800 1 Week ₱675 per day
Plan 1800 4 Weeks ₱625 per day
Calorie count

1200, 1500, 1800

Package type

5 days, 7 days

Renewal Cycle

1 Week, 4 Weeks

Delivery fees will depend on your location. This will be calculated at checkout on a per-day basis.
