Fit Heart

Low fat, low sodium, and low cholesterol

Subscriptions (Auto-Renewal)

Our low sodium and low fat meal plan which will help not only lower body weight but also lower blood markers like LDL Cholesterol. This meal plan also replaces high fat meat with low fat alternatives.

Package Duration Price
Plan 1200 1 Week ₱590 per day
Plan 1200 4 Weeks ₱540 per day
Plan 1500 1 Week ₱650 per day
Plan 1500 4 Weeks ₱600 per day
Plan 1800 1 Week ₱710 per day
Plan 1800 4 Weeks ₱660 per day
Calorie count

1200, 1500, 1800

Package type

5 days, 7 days

Renewal Cycle

1 Week, 4 Weeks

Delivery fees will depend on your location. This will be calculated at checkout on a per-day basis.
