Fit Food Original
Calorie counted, balanced, and tasty
Subscriptions (Auto-Renewal)
Our original meal plan based on calorie counting. Our culinary team makes sure the best taste is achieved and our nutrition team ensures that you can enjoy it guilt-free because each ingredient is weighed and measured to accurately count the calories.
Package | Duration | Price |
Plan 1200 | 1 Week | ₱435 per day |
Plan 1200 | 4 Weeks | ₱385 per day |
Plan 1500 | 1 Week | ₱515 per day |
Plan 1500 | 4 Weeks | ₱465 per day |
Plan 1800 | 1 Week | ₱595 per day |
Plan 1800 | 4 Weeks | ₱545 per day |
Calorie count | 1200, 1500, 1800 |
Package type | 5 days, 7 days |
Renewal Cycle | 1 Week, 4 Weeks |
Delivery fees will depend on your location. This will be calculated at checkout on a per-day basis.